
Saved views are stored advanced find queries that you can use to perform the same search without having to build the query all over again. It's a convenient way to store and share your queries with your colleagues and other members of staff. However, it should be noted that a saved view only stores the search query, not the result of running that query. If you want to store the result of an advanced find, then you should export it to an Excel file.


Using Saved Views

1. Open the Advanced Find tool within CRM Advise by clicking the funnel icon located at the top right of your screen.

2. Select the type of record you wish to search for using the "Look for" dropdown.

3. To the right of the "Look for" dropdown, select the saved view you wish to use. This dropdown will display any saved views you have created (see Creating Saved Views) or have been shared with you (see Sharing Saved Views). Note that the views displayed are based on the record type you selected in the previous step.

4. Click "Results" to display the results of the saved view.

Note: If you are looking for a specific view but cannot find it, make sure you have selected the correct record type in Step 2. Saved views are tied to the type of record they query, so your "Look for" must be set appropriately.

Creating Saved Views

1. Open the Advanced Find tool within CRM Advise by clicking the funnel icon located at the top right of your screen.

2. Enter the details of your search query. You can add a filter by clicking "Select" and selecting a record field to filter. By default, adding multiple filters works as an AND operation (i.e. a record will need to match all the specified criteria to show up in your results). Also, note the type of record you have set in the "Look for" dropdown as you will only be able to use your saved view when performing an advanced find using that same record type.

3. (Optional) Modify the columns you want displayed in the results by clicking the "Edit Columns" button.

4. Click "Save As"

5. Enter a name for the saved view. This should be a brief summary of the data the saved view looks up (Ex. Students with Active Programs)

6. (Optional) Enter a description for the saved view. This isn't shown in the dropdown when you go to use the view, but can be helpful when managing your saved views later.

Sharing Saved Views

1. Open the Advanced Find tool within CRM Advise by clicking the funnel icon located at the top right of your screen.

2. In the menu ribbon at the top of the window, click "Saved Views". This should open up a list of all the saved views you have access to, both ones you've created and those that have been shared with you.

3. In the menu ribbon at the top of the window, click "Record Type" and select the type of record the saved view was created for.

4. Locate the view you wish to share and select it. You will see several options in the ribbon bar become active (not greyed out).

5. In the menu ribbon, click the "Share" button. A lookup dialog should pop open.

6. Enter the name or email of the person you wish to share the view with and press Enter or click the magnifying glass icon to search. If you wish to share a view with a team instead, change the value in the "Look for" dropdown from "User" to "Team", then perform your search.

7. Select the users/teams you wish to share the view with by selecting them and clicking the "Select" button below the list of records. Once you have selected all the individuals you wish to share to, click the blue "Add" button on the bottom right of the dialog.

8. Now you must define the permissions you want to give the individual(s) you are sharing the view with. By default, they are only given the Read permission. Below are brief explanations of what each permission means in this context:

Read Allows the user to use the view
Write (Not Recommended) Allows the user to edit the saved view
Delete (Not Recommended) Allows the user to delete the saved view. This deletes it for everyone.
Assign (Not Recommended) Allows the user to give ownership of the saved view to someone else.
Share Allows the user to share the view with others

9. Click the blue "Share" button to share the saved view with the individual(s) you selected, using the permissions you've set.